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Artificial Intelligence Courses


Uglobal courses offer hands-on project-based learning with autonomous car miniatures. Students will learn skills in high demand such as Python programming, Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence through the use of these technologies in autonomous cars.


Course 1 - Python Programming Basics and Introduction to AI
(Artificial intelligence)

Duration: 30 - 45 hours
Prerequisite: None

Module 1 - Coding Basics



● Understand what text-based programming is;
● Gain familiarity with machine controls;
● Learn how to use the platform and where to program;
● Master how to execute a code and modify it;
● Write programs to drive cars.

Module 2 - Introduction to Python and IA


● Become familiar with the concepts of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI);
● Execute programs, do math operations and create variables in Python;
● Explore how cars were built and programmed using a raspberry pi,
connecting to a WiFi access point and using features such as sensors to
simulate autonomous cars;
● Program the car to capture real-time information through on-board cameras;
● Collaborate as a team and brainstorm ideas on how to program cars to learn how to
respond to different driving scenarios.

Course 2 - Fundamentals of Python and AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Duration: 45 - 60 hours
Prerequisite: Course 1: Module 2 Only

Module 1 - Programming and Computer Vision


● Become familiar with image and pixel processing as well as RGB scaling;
● Learn about data types in Python;
● Use the "If - else" instructions to schedule decision making;
● Develop an algorithm using "if-elif-else" statements to manage car responses
detecting different colors of traffic lights;
● Master the use of the "In" operator.

Module 2 - Programming and Object Detection


● Familiarize yourself with image classification in machine learning and the
Haar algorithm to detect stop signals;
● Learn how to create lists in Python;
● Learn how to execute the same code block multiple times;
● Develop object prevention algorithms using while loops to continue
researching and responding to pedestrians and stop signs.

Course 3 - Mastering the Basics of Python and Data Science

Duration: 45 - 60 hours
Prerequisite: Course 2

Module 1 - Python and Data Visualization


● Discuss possible effects of autonomous cars on our lives and public policy changes;
● Become familiar with how computers can interpret human language;
● Learn and use Python functions to code new car commands;
● Learn about Python dictionaries;
● Practice data visualization;
● Explore data collection and analysis using Python visualization tools.

Module 2 - Python and Data Science


● Become familiar with scripts and terminals;
● Create Python functions to adjust or design car response behaviors;
● Learn about data and how to use Python tools to analyze and infer from
real data sets;
● Explore forecasting using information from past results;
● Work Practice on Long Term Projects - Course Completion Project

Course 4 - Computer Science and Machine Learning

Duration: 30 to 45 hours
Prerequisite: Course 3


Module 1 - Computer Science and Machine Learning - Part 1


● Understand the difference between an algorithm and a program;
● Become familiar with how data is collected to train a model so that
cars “understand” how to drive within the lines of a circuit;
● Become familiar with the functioning of neural networks;
● Learn how to collect and process data images;
● Learn how to train a neural network model;
● Develop scripts and use terminals to execute, develop and test your Python code;
● Practice working on long term projects.

Module 2 - Computer Science and Machine Learning - Part 2


● Learn about object oriented programming;
● Apply natural language processing techniques to make your car understand
voice commands;
● Practice working with Python classes and objects;
● Become familiar with how cloud communication works;
● Learn how to use computer vision to create a motion detection sensor.

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