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Artificial Intelligence Courses

We believe that technology is already actively part of human activities today and that in the future it will be essential for the survival of every human being. We hope that people will find out how fun learning deep concepts of technology can be and that every school, from elementary to postgraduate level, will be able to be at the forefront of technology education without having to have large structures or perform big investments for that. For this purpose, the Python Artificial Intelligence Laboratory was born.


At Uglobal's teaching platform, students learn Artificial Intelligence in a simple, innovative and engaging way. This is done through the use of autonomous cars in which students develop Python programs. At the end of the course the student teaches the car to drive by itself.


The fundamentals of computational techniques are explored according to age and experience, from kindergarten, elementary school 1 and 2, high school, to vocational and higher education.


Including Artificial Intelligence within other subjects (e.g., English, math, logical and critical thinking, statistics, programming language, etc.) engages new students without requiring the creation of new subjects or courses. There is no need to hire or train any specialized teacher.


We look forward to talking with you! We await your contact!


Autonomous Car Measures:

26,5 x 17,5 x 11,5 cm



"Students are engaged while having fun! It was the most enjoyable and smooth course of my life!"

Prof. Dr. Wagner Bronze Damiani

FGV-EAESP / University of Utah

Phone: +55 11 3042 9055


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